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Once Your Unemployment Runs Out Can You Apply for Unemployment Again

A cutout of a family standing under a light blue umbrella that says unemployment insurance

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En espaƱol | It's been more than a year since the coronavirus pandemic exploded in the United States. That's a milestone with serious fiscal consequences for the more than than 3 million workers age 50 and older who accept lost their jobs during this crisis.

While the rules for collecting unemployment insurance vary by country, in many of them, the maximum length of time a person tin collect regular benefits is 26 weeks — or roughly six months. That means many people who oasis't been able to find jobs to supervene upon ones they lost this yr are at present discovering that they also are losing their unemployment benefits. Just three programs can help eligible individuals continue to receive crucial financial assistance, equally long as they know these options be and take action to enroll.

Once you run out of weeks to collect benefits through your state's regular unemployment insurance programme, yous become eligible for federal Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), a program that stimulus legislation created this year. When those benefits run out, you may be able to collect Extended Benefits (EB), another federal programme designed to aid states during periods of loftier unemployment. And yet another program created by coronavirus stimulus legislation, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), could offering you lot a few more than weeks, once your fourth dimension to collect other benefits is up.

The types of benefits y'all are eligible for will depend on the policies in the state where yous worked and the conditions of your previous employment, then brand sure to hash out all of your options with that state'southward employment agency. Hither'due south what you lot should know about how each program could extend the number of weeks you can collect benefits:

Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Bounty

Under the stimulus legislation enacted last twelvemonth, people can get benefits for up to 79 weeks after their regular eligibility cheers to a program chosen Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation.

Only in many cases, the transition from regular benefits to PEUC hasn't been seamless, and many people announced to be missing out on money for which they are eligible.

"States are supposed to inform workers when they fall out of regular unemployment insurance that they are eligible for PEUC and give them data about how to apply," says Michele Evermore, quondam senior policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project who at present works every bit a senior advisor on unemployment insurance for the U.South. Department of Labor. "Only from what I'm hearing, that's non happening in every land. Unfortunately, during this pandemic, nosotros've plant that you accept to be incredibly persistent to really access the benefits y'all're owed."

Whether or not a state sends out notification, unemployed workers exercise take to employ to receive PEUC benefits. That means you should be proactive and make certain to consummate any process your state requires, Evermore says. The PEUC application could be as uncomplicated equally checking a box on paperwork you already accept to complete regularly to continue to receive your usual weekly benefits. Or it could be an boosted form you have to complete on your state'southward unemployment website. Be sure to cheque with your land bureau to find out what you need to practise to receive PEUC.

The eligibility requirements for PEUC are the same as your state'due south requirements for regular unemployment benefits, the only departure being that you've run out of eligibility for the latter. PEUC is paid for by the federal authorities and the amount of your weekly PEUC benefits should be the aforementioned every bit your regular state benefit, including the additional $300 from the federal government.  The PEUC program currently is scheduled to end the week of Sept. 6, 2021.

Extended Benefits

In virtually states, people who have run out of eligibility for both regular unemployment benefits and PEUC could then qualify for a plan called Extended Benefits. This federally funded program kicks in during periods of high unemployment within a state. For example, during the week catastrophe October. 3, these benefits were available in 42 states, the Commune of Columbia and Puerto Rico, according to the U.South. Labor Department.

You should automatically transition into EB once you've exhausted your eligibility for both regular benefits and PEUC, Evermore says. The near common duration for collecting EB — which pays a weekly benefit equal to what you typically qualify for in your land based on your previous income — is a maximum of xiii weeks, but information technology could be longer or shorter depending on the state where y'all were working. Be certain to contact your state agency if you accept whatsoever questions almost your eligibility for EB.

Pandemic Unemployment Aid

Congress created this programme this year as a way to offer financial assistance to gig workers and other people who wouldn't otherwise be eligible to apply for unemployment benefits. Only if you've used up all of your weeks to collect regular benefits, PEUC and EB, you might now qualify to receive PUA.

PUA currently offers its recipients up to 79 weeks of total unemployment benefits through Sept. 6, 2021.

Editor's annotation: This article originally was published on October 23, 2020. It has been updated with more contempo information about when the PEUC and PUA programs will finish.


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