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Reviews on the Power of Gods Names Bible Study

What is the Name of the Lord?
In only almost every Christian denomination today - there are questions, discussions,
dissertations, sermons, and Bible studies, about the 'name of the Lord'.

• Is The Lord's Name Jesus?
• Is The Lord's Proper noun Yeshua
• Is The Lord'due south name Jehovah?
• Is The Lord's Proper noun Yaweh?

The truth is that ALL those names are correct as well as dozens of others! Unfortunately, in many cases the subject has often resulted in arguments, debates, dissentions and schisms - mainly considering though there may be some truth to the historical and/or cultural 'pronunciation' of a particular give-and-take, almost Christians today are unfamiliar with the information independent in the Holy Scriptures regarding His name.

Below is a brief summary of the Audio teaching: The Awesome Ability of the Name
taken from from the 13 part Serial: "Loosing the Ability of God Into Your Life.

Heed to the complete message on CD and observe the Cloak-and-dagger Ability available to those who know the proper name of the Lord and how to utilize it!
Click here for details

Scripture Reference:
"The proper noun of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run to it, and is safe." [Prov. 18:10]

If one does an in-depth study of the Discussion of God, one will recognize in brusque order that
ALL of the above names are valid - also as dozens of others.
• I AM
• El Shaddai (Almighty God)
• Jehovah Rapha (the Lord Your Healer)
• Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Your Supply)
• Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Your Peace)
• Alpha and Omega
• The Lion of Judah
• The Showtime and the Last
• Ancient of Days
• King of Kings
• Lord of Lords
• And a host of others

Yet, there is

ONE name that stands out higher up all others, and, in that location is Ability and Potency that is manifested when THAT name is used!

Although this special name is repeated throughout the Bible it is substantially unknown or ignored past most Christians! Do Y'all Know What That Proper name Is?

Why is this Important?
There are two reasons why knowing the name of the Lord is important - and both of those
reasons are given in scripture:• "The name of the LORD is a stiff tower: the righteous run to it, and is prophylactic."
[Proverbs 18:10 KJV]

• "Whosoever shall phone call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved," [Romans 10:13 KJV]

When one understands the use of the Hebrew give-and-take "condom" - and the Greek give-and-take "saved" - then
one will realize that both of these scriptures promise conservancy (eternal life) as well
as rubber, deliverance, healing, supernatural provision and increment (abundant supply),
protection, guidance, instruction, and wisdom.

In essence, what the scriptures promise is that everything a person needs is bachelor to
those who 'run to' or 'call upon' the Name of the Lord.

Therefore information technology IS of import that we empathise and KNOW what the SCRIPTURES say His proper noun is.
• Not what men say His proper name is.
• not what tradition says His proper noun is.
• Not what some religious denomination believes His name is.

But instead, nosotros MUST learn and use what the BIBLE (the Holy Discussion of God)

says His name is.

Brothers and Sisters, Information technology is vital that nosotros know what God has said about His name - and how to access the crawly power contained IN His Proper noun. This is why I have placed the entire audio sermon online for free

I encourage yous to heed to it repeatedly until the Lord grants you revelation regarding this - and if necessary you can download information technology and save it to your figurer at no cost. I encourage yous to make copies of it and to pass information technology on to your friends and families.

Remember: there is POWER in the Proper name of the Lord and anybody who RUNS to that NAME
or calls upon that NAME will be saved (redeemed, healed, delivered, supplied, protected,
given wisdom and guidance, and more than!)


When yous help u.s.a. to go on to provide these FREE teachings to the trunk of Christ by donating $12 to BibleCities Christian Fellowship we will send yous this complete teaching of "The Awesome Power of the Name" on Sound CD! You can even make copies of information technology and pass it to your friends! To donate online and receive your Gratuitous CD just click the donate push below.  Top

To Donate by Postal service : Ship your $12 check or money club to:
BibleCities Christian Fellowship International
PO Box xl
Getzville, NY 14068

Include along with your donation your request for Special Offer:
-- #POTN001 (The Power of the Name: $12.00 Donation)

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In improver to his contributions to this website Reverend W. C. Slyde Moran also has a weekly television show • Online Sound Studies • and an always-increasing outreach ministry providing costless Audio teachings on CD to enable the growth and maturing of the body of Christ.


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